A bewildering assortment of False
Welcome to the research department here at p-nand-q.com. On this site you will find all sorts of computer related topics I am interested in, including
- Articles on programming in C++, Python, C#, Javascript, Objective-C and others.
- Programming Languages I wrote that feature the logical operation NAND and other very serious inventions.
- Loads of neat Windows, Linux and Mac utilities free for downloading.
What is new?
Basically, new is an operator in C++ to allocate objects. Other than that, the following things are new, too.
- December 4, 2016
- I happened to need an OpenSSL 1.1.0. build with VS2015, so:
- November 7, 2015
- I am now proud co-owner of a new startup company, NG Branch Technology GmbH.
- New article on Duck Typing and C++ templates
- Minor update on regdiff
- August 7, 2015
- I have moved on to Visual Studio 2015, so:
- Instructions on Python 2.7.10 build for Visual Studio 2010 and new: 2015
- June 16, 2015
- nunjucks-grime is a npm module that provides some usefull extensions to nunjucks for code generation...
- May 25, 2015
- Added another article to my series on the STL, this time discussing ratio. Plus, a bit of website redesign...
- May 11, 2015
- Continuing p-nand-q.coms mission to educate the masses, here is well documented sample code to calculate Pi to an arbitrary number of digits in Javascript