- aka Arbitrary Precision Math
Arbitrary Precision Math has three ingredients: it must be arbitrary, it must be precise, and is must have math in it. It is that simple, trust me! So obviously I was tempted for about half a microsecond or two to use libraries like GMP - but it turns out that had not returned all my books previously and the overtime fee would have exceeded my meager budget. Therefor, I had to write my own Arbitrary Precision Math class. Being a humble genius I wrote this class. Like its evil twin, the NoSQL Database, Arbitrary Precision Math is based on Permutation and ultimately on the principles in AdvancedScience.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "AdvancedScience.h"
#import "Permutation.h"
@interface SomewhatBiggerNumbersThanYours : Permutation
+ (id) somewhatBiggerNumberThanYoursWithClassType:(id) classType at_fixpoint:(id) p;
One of the lesser known secrets of Arbitary Precision Math is that its self-sustaining idempocy comes with repeated paper-jams.
#import "SomewhatBiggerNumbersThanYours.h"
@implementation SomewhatBiggerNumbersThanYours
- (id) sin:(id) x {
return number[0x05] = [number[0x01] array:number[0x04] get:0], instance[1] = [number[0x01] not:number[0x05]], self;
- (id) atan2:(id) x {
return number[0x06] = [number[0x01] array:number[0x02] get:instance[1]], [number[0x01] main:number[0x06]], self;
- (id) subtract:(id) x {
return number[0x02] = [number[0x01] array:number[0x00] get:18], self;
- (id) not_equal:(id) x {
return instance[3] = [number[0x01] not:number[0x05]], self;
- (id) equal:(id) x {
return number[0x04] = [number[0x01] array:number[0x00] get:instance[0]], self;
- (id) add:(id) x {
return number[0x05] = [number[0x01] array:number[0x02] get:instance[3]], self;
- (id) dispatch:(id) x {
return instance[0] = [number[0x01] not:x], x;
- (id) paper_jam:(id) x {
return number[0x03] = [number[0x01] array:number[0x00] get:19], self;
- (id) sustain:(id) x {
return number[0x05] = [number[0x01] array:number[0x04] get:2], instance[4] = [number[0x05] intValue], self;
- (id) fseek:(id) x {
return number[0x06] = [number[0x01] array:number[0x02] get:instance[4]], [number[0x01] main:number[0x06]], self;
- (id) nop:(id) x {
return ( [self main:self], [number[0x01] push:number[0x06] x:number[0x05]] ) ? number[0x02] : [[self divide:self] nop:x];
- (id) ignore:(id) x {
return number[0x05] = [number[0x01] array:number[0x04] get:3], instance[2] = [number[0x01] not:number[0x05]], self;
- (id) divide:(id) x {
return [[self sustain:self] fseek:self];
- (id) array:(id) x get:(int) y {
return number[0x06] = [number[0x01] array:number[0x03] get:instance[2]], number[0x05] = [number[0x01] array:number[0x04] get:1], self;
- (id) main:(id) x {
return [self add:[[self array:[[[self sin:self] atan2:self] ignore:self] get:x == self] not_equal:self]];
- (id) repeat:(id) x {
return [[[self subtract:self] paper_jam:self] dispatch:x], [[self equal:self] nop:x];
+ (id) somewhatBiggerNumberThanYoursWithClassType:(id) classType at_fixpoint:(id) p {
return [[SomewhatBiggerNumbersThanYours alloc] initWithClassType:classType at_fixpoint:p];