Open Source Project Builds for Windows
Many open source projects originate in *nix environments. Windows ports often use outdated compiler versions, and are often not updated w/r security relevant components such as OpenSSL. For example, Python 2.7 on Windows is built with Visual Studio 2008 Professional - a version that is 7 years old... If you have an application built with Visual Studio 2010 (or any other Visual Studio version), and you have Python embedded in it, you have two problems:
- It is a very bad idea to mix different Visual C++ runtimes. See for an explanation. This means if you use the official libraries to link in Python, you are in for some nasty surprises.
- The official distribution does not contain debug libraries. For some reason I don’t fully understand the python libraries have different names for debug and release builds (rather than just be located in a different directory, as I would normally approach this). This means that you cannot easily build a working debug build of your project.
Plus, did I mention that OpenSSL included in plain vanilla Python 2.7 is ... 0.9?. So I decided to provide some updated builds for select projects.
Builds with Visual Studio 2010
Builds with Visual Studio 2013
Going forward, I plan to include some more builds. The next one is going to be wxpython, which so far has resisted all my efforts.... SOON!