Partitioning values in an array
You have a large, potentially huge array of objects, in a random order. You want to split the array in two parts: the lower half with objects matching the condition, the upper half with objects not matching the condition. This operation is called the partitioning of an array.
The above paragraph is a very abstract formulation, so let's make a concrete example: You have an array of random integers in the range [0..100]. The first half of the array should be all numbers < 50, the second part numbers >= 50.
Now, if you think: why is this topic under the heading Searching, bear with me: partitioning lies at the heart of the quicksort algorithm
Ask yourself: Do I understand the problem?
- Input is an array of N values. We don't know N yet, but obviously the algorithm, whatever it is, shouldn't depend on a particular N.
- Without loss of generality, let's assume all values are integers. We shall check at the end what happens if our values are different things - like for files, complex numbers or words in a document.
- The condition is not specified in the general problem description. It is, however, specified in the example problem: less-than a pivot number. We will first use this criteria alone, and then relax our definition to arbitrary criteria
- Output is not specified. What would be an interesting output? Well, probably the number of item items matching the condition (in our example: the number of items < 50). Coincidentally, this also means we have the index of the first item not matching the condition (the first item >= 50).
These conditions are fairly similar to those in the problem Finding a duplicate value in an array, but we'll use a totally different approach.
Setting up a test harness
As usual, our first step is to prepare a testbed. Our code strategy for the test will be this:
- We need an array of random integer values. We don't care if numbers are duplicate or not.
- Given that, we select a value to partition against
Implementing these test requirements borders on the trivial:
#! -*- Encoding: Latin-1 -*-
def selftest():
A = [random.randrange(100) for i in range(1000)]
A, n = your-partition-function-here(A, 50)
assert is_partitioned(A, n, 50)
if __name__ == "__main__":
This code creates 1.000 random integers in the range 0..100, partitions it, and then verifies that it is indeed partitioned. How do we do verify this?
def is_partitioned(A, n, pel_value):
for index, item in enumerate(A):
if index < n: # lower half
if item >= pel_value: # -> Items must be < pel_value
return False
else: # upper half
if item < pel_value: # -> Items must be >= pel_value
return False
return True # if no item violates our condition, we have verified the code
That was not too bad. Now, let's try to actually partition the data.
Brute-Force approach
Let's try brute-force first: There are two lists: one for items less than the pivot, and one for items greater than or equal to the pivot. We test each item in the array: if it is less than the pivot, it goes to that list, or else to the other list. At the end, we concatenate the two lists, and return the new list plus the number of items in the lower half. With this description, the code is deceptively simple:
def partition_bf(A, pivot_value):
items_less_than = []
items_greater_than_or_equal = []
for item in A:
if item < pivot_value:
items_less_than.append( item )
items_greater_than_or_equal.append( item )
A = items_less_than + items_greater_than_or_equal
return A, len(items_less_than)
Some notes on this implementation:
- The time complexity of this solution is O(N).
- The space complexity of this solution is O(N) as well: we need two additional arrays, the combined size of which will be N.
Now, think about how this algorithm could be improved. There is little we can do with the time complexity: after all, if we want to partition all items, we must visit each item at least once, so any optimum solution will be O(N) time complexity. But can we reduce the amount of space we need?
Other strategies
Let's briefly revisit other common strategys and see if they could help with our problem.
- Could hashing help? Not really. Hashing is a way to speed up data lookup - but data lookup is not a concern we have in our code here. We know we need to look at each element at least once (minimum), and we are already only looking at each element once (maximum), so that leaves little room for optimization right there.
- Could sorting help? Yes and no. Obviously, we could solve the problem with sorting: sort the array, then enumerate the items, counting those that are < the pivot. Using an efficient inplace sorting algorithm would also mean that we are using no additional space, so O(0). But we would actually make the time complexity worse - to O(N log N) rather than O(N). So while it is certainly possible to use sorting to solve this problem, we are not investigating this possibility any further right now.
- Could divide & conquer help? It would certainly increase time complexity to at least O(N log N), but could potentially reduce space complexity. However, it is not easy to see how it could do that: assume that you have two sub-arrays suitably partitioned, then the combined sum of those arrays would be able to reuse the partition information, but it would also need to reshuffle the items. So it doesn't look like a winner here.
- Could a greedy algorithm help? Not really. Greedy algorithms are about making choices when you are unsure if a certain choice is optimal. But in our case we always know the optimum choice: if the value is less than the pivot, the optimal choice is the lower half, else the upper half.
- Could a graph algorithm help? Hard to say. Probably there exists an ingenious mapping of a complex graph structure to this problem - but it will most certainly increase at least time complexity, if not space complexity.
So for now we are going to stick with our basic approach and see how we can improve upon it.
Inplace partitioning
Well, we somehow need to find a way to partition the array inplace. The first step to do this is to change our call interface: right now, the code returns a new array and the length. The new interface will get start / stop indices in the array, and not expect an udpated return. This changes our test suite:
#! -*- Encoding: Latin-1 -*-
def selftest():
A = [random.randrange(100) for i in range(1000)]
n = your-partition-function-here(A, 0, len(A)-1, 50)
assert is_partitioned(A, n, 50)
if __name__ == "__main__":
You will notice that we pass a stop index that is within the boundaries of the array A. In a first step, we shall keep our main partition logic intact, but change the way we return the results, like this:
def partition_inplace_with_additional_memory(A, start, stop, pivot_index):
items_less_than = []
items_greater_than_or_equal = []
read_index = start
while read_index <= stop:
item = A[read_index]
if item < pivot_value:
items_less_than.append( item )
items_greater_than_or_equal.append( item )
read_index += 1
write_index = start
for item in items_less_than:
A[write_index] = item
write_index += 1
for item in items_greater_than_or_equal:
A[write_index] = item
write_index += 1
return len(items_less_than)
We haven't reduced any size complexity just yet, we have just verified that our solution could also work inplace. So that is going to be the focus of our next paragaph
Inplace partitioning without additional memory
Now, it turns out that you can do the modification without needing any additional memory. I think the most instructive way to see this is by studying the following sequence. We have an array of 6 items, and we want to partition that array around 50. So we want all values < 50 in the first half, then all values >= 50.
We need to keep one insertion index, marked with green background below, and one current element pointer, marked in boldface.
Step 0 before | 22 | 65 | 31 | 50 | 77 | 49 | Current item 22 is < 50, so we need to swap it with the item at the insertion position, which happens to be 22 as well. |
Step 0 after | 22 | 65 | 31 | 50 | 77 | 49 | Plus we move the insertion index one up. |
Step 1 | 22 | 65 | 31 | 50 | 77 | 49 | Current item 65 is >= 50, so we skip it. |
Step 2 before | 22 | 65 | 31 | 50 | 77 | 49 | Current item 31 is < 50, so we need to swap it with the item at the insertion position, which happens to be 65. |
Step 2 after | 22 | 31 | 65 | 50 | 77 | 49 | Plus we move the insertion index one up. |
Step 3 | 22 | 31 | 65 | 50 | 77 | 49 | Current item 50 is >= 50, so we skip it. |
Step 4 | 22 | 31 | 65 | 50 | 77 | 49 | Current item 77 is >= 50, so we skip it. |
Step 5 before | 22 | 31 | 65 | 50 | 77 | 49 | Current item 49 is < 50, so we need to swap it with the item at the insertion position, which happens to be 65 |
Step 5 after | 22 | 31 | 49 | 50 | 77 | 65 | Plus we move the insertion index one up. |
- The numbers before the insertion point are all guaranteed to be < 50, because we actively moved them there when we encountered them.
- This means that by definition, the numbers from the insertion point on must be >= 50
Given this informal description, the code is actually pretty intuitive:
def partition_inplace_value(A, start, stop, pel_value):
# enumerate each item
read_index = start
while read_index <= stop:
item = A[read_index]
# if the current item is less than the pivot value
if item < pel_value:
# swap it at the insertion position
A[start], A[read_index] = A[read_index], A[start]
# and move the insertion position one up
start += 1
read_index += 1
return start
Abstraction time: from less-than to arbitrary functions
The actual topic of the initial problem was to partition elements around an abstract critera. But soon we introduced less-than as a concrete criteria. Let's consider the impact of using our algorithms for different types of criterias. Why don't we relax, take a deep breath, and think things over?
Looking at the code for partition_inplace_value
, it becomes pretty obvious that we can replace less-than by an abstract criteria, like this:
def partition_inplace_policy(A, start, stop, policy):
# enumerate each item
read_index = start
while read_index <= stop:
item = A[read_index]
# if the policy matches the current item
if policy(A[index]):
# swap it at the insertion position
A[start], A[read_index] = A[read_index], A[start]
# and move the insertion position one up
start += 1
read_index += 1
return start
For example, to partition the array in a section of even numbers, and a section of odd numbers, we could define a simple criteria like this:
def even_or_odd(a):
return a % 2 == 0
Or, we could partition the array in prime numbers, and non-prime numbers:
def is_prime(a):
if a < 2:
return False
if a == 2:
return True
for x in xrange(2, int(n**0.5)+1):
if n % x == 0:
return False
return True
And so on. Pretty nifty, actually! And because python allows local functions, you can even do stuff like this:
A = [random.randrange(5) for i in range(20)]
pel_value = A[10]
def partition_around_pel(x):
return x < pel_value
n = partition_inplace_policy(A, 0, len(A)-1, partition_around_pel)
print A[:n], A[n:]
Partitioning with three conditions
Now, assume that you have not only two conditions, but three. For example, you could want to have primes, even non-primes and odd non-primes. Or, you could have an array of colors, and you want to separate by Red hues, Green hues, and Blue hues. Can we do this with our generalized approach?
Let us first define the test function:
A = [random.randrange(5) for i in range(20)]
pel_value = A[10]
def partition_around_tripel(x):
if x < pel_value:
return 0
if x == pel_value:
return 1
assert x > pel_value
return 2
n, m = partition_inplace_three_conditions(A, 0, len(A)-1, partition_around_tripel)
print A[:n], A[n:m], A[m:]
That was the easy part. Now the difficult part: the partition function. We need to have a policy function that returns three values, identifying the three conditions. Condition 0 is placed at the bottom of the array. Condition 1 is placed in the middle. And, the tricky bit, condition 2 is placed from the top down. But that means that we a) change our upper boundary (because we never re-visit items sorted actively to the top of the array), and b) we need to change our main loop and revisit some items. Maybe looking at the code will make this more clear:
def partition_inplace_three_conditions(A, start, stop, policy):
insert_pos = start
top_pos = stop
index = start
while index <= stop:
v = policy(A[index])
if v == 0:
A[insert_pos], A[index] = A[index], A[insert_pos]
insert_pos += 1
index += 1
elif v == 1:
index += 1
elif v == 2:
A[top_pos], A[index] = A[index], A[top_pos]
top_pos -= 1
stop -= 1
return insert_pos, top_pos+1
There is a famous problem in Computer Science, called the Dutch National Flag Problem, which we have just solved.
Special case: array of zeros and ones
So far our solutions have considered general cases, now let's briefly turn to special cases. One is the following: Assume that rather than an array of random integers, you have an array of only zeros and ones. And you should partition it around the pivot element 1, meaning you have 0s first, and 1s next. The algorithms above will work for this, but there is an even faster way: count the numbers of 0s and 1s. Then recreate the array, with n zeros and m ones. This is really very much the same idea as the one behind Counting Sort. The Python code for this reads:
def partition_zero_ones(A):
count = [0, 0]
for index, item in enumerate(A):
count[item] += 1
for i in range(count[0]):
A[i] = 0
for i in range(count[0], len(A)):
A[i] = 1
return count[0]
You can use a similar approach any time when you a) can easily recreate items from scratch, and b) there are very few items in the array, but the array is potentially huge).