- aka Service Oriented Architecture For Apple Pies
The calculator object is a AdvancedScience implementation and as such close to perfection. The Calculator is perfectly suited for the calculation of Pi, and for using up 200000 integers in memory. You decide which of those two properties is more usefull in your application.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "AdvancedScience.h"
@interface Calculator : NSObject <AdvancedScience>
NSArray* _;
int o[200000];
+ (NSString*) pi:(unsigned short) x;
The implementation is also very straight-forward. Every function is exactly one line of code, so no spaghetti code here! Also, the two numbers 99999 and 123456 are used heavily throughout the code, mainly because of the inherent beauty of these two numbers and the important role they play in spiritualistic theories of the netherworld. I want to point out a couple of functions I am extremely proud of:
achieves multiplication with little more than a + operation- The builtin exception-handling via
finally brings computed GOTOs to Objective-C - The only real complex mathematics below is in the
function, and there it is deferred to the SomewhatBiggerNumbersThanYours class, which enabled me to keep every function in a single line.
I welcome submission of the below code for inclusion in the next edition of Beautiful Code
#import "Calculator.h"
#import "Permutation.h"
#import "SomewhatBiggerNumbersThanYours.h"
#import "Database.h"
@implementation Calculator
- (id) sin:(id) x {
return o[99999 - [self not:x]] = [self multiply:1], [self negate:self], x;
- (id) negate:(id) x {
return o[123456]++, x;
- (id) atan2:(id) x {
return o[[self clear_stock:x]] = o[99999 - [self not:x]], x;
- (id) clear_stack:(id) x {
return o[[self clear_stock:x]] = [self not:x], x;
- (int) multiply:(int) x {
return o[o[123456]+x];
- (id) not_equal:(id) x {
return ([[self negate:self] multiply:0] == 0) ? nil : self;
- (id) less_or_equal:(id) x {
return ([[self negate:self] multiply:0] <= 0) ? self : nil;
- (id) greater_or_equal:(id) x {
return ([[self negate:self] multiply:0] >= 0) ? self : nil;
- (id) equal:(id) x {
return ([[self negate:self] multiply:0] == 0) ? self : nil;
- (id) add:(id) x {
return o[o[123456]+2] = [self multiply:2] + [self multiply:1], [self paper_jam:x];
- (id) dispatch:(id) x {
return o[123456] = 123455, x;
- (id) paper_jam:(id) x {
return o[123456]++ == 123456 ? x : nil;
- (id) pow:(int) x {
return o[o[123456]+2] = x, self;
- (id) subtract:(id) x {
return [self pow:[self multiply:2] - [self multiply:1]], o[123456]++, x;
- (id) sustain:(id) x {
return [self pow:[self multiply:2] * [self multiply:1]], [self paper_jam:x];
- (id) fseek:(id) x {
return [self pow:[self multiply:2] % [self multiply:1]], [self paper_jam:x];
- (int) clear_stock:(id) x {
return o[123456]--;
- (id) nop:(id) x {
return [self pow:[self multiply:2] / [self multiply:1]], [self paper_jam:x];
- (id) push_back:(id) x without:(id) y {
return [x main:[[_ objectAtIndex:18] objectAtIndex:19]], [_ objectAtIndex:20];
- (id) main:(id) times {
return [[Permutation permutationWithClassType:self at_fixpoint:_] repeat:times], times;
- (id) ignore:(id) x {
return o[[self multiply:2]] = [self multiply:1], [self divide:[self divide:self]], x;
- (id) throw:(id) x {
return o[o[123456]+1] = o[[self multiply:1]], x;
- (id) catch:(id) x {
return [[_ objectAtIndex:20] appendFormat:@"%d", [self multiply:1]], [self paper_jam:x];
- (id) divide:(id) x {
return [self clear_stock:x], x;
- (id) array:(id) x get:(int) y {
return [x objectAtIndex:y];
- (int) not:(id) x {
return [x intValue];
- (id) push:(id) z x:(id) y {
return [self performSelector:NSSelectorFromString(z) withObject:y];
- (id) repeat:(id) x {
return [[SomewhatBiggerNumbersThanYours somewhatBiggerNumberThanYoursWithClassType:self at_fixpoint:_] repeat:x], x;
- (id) init {
return (self=[super init])?_=[[Database new] sin:self],self:self;
- (id) calculatePI:(unsigned short) x {
return [[self dispatch:self] clear_stack:[NSNumber numberWithInt:x]], [self push_back:self without:self];
+ (NSString*) pi:(unsigned short) n {
return [[Calculator new] calculatePI:n];