- aka A Modernized Principia Mathematics
These days, pretty much everybody knows that all maths is set theory. Therefor, it was right from the start that any algorithm purporting to calculate pi would have to have its own subset of set theory set in. Thus, I wrote the following masterpiece, following the guidelines spelled out by AdvancedScience. Once again, since the AdvancedScience interface was already a given, the definition of the Permutation object proved to be very simple:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "Calculator.h"
#import "AdvancedScience.h"
@interface Permutation : NSObject <AdvancedScience>
id number[32];
int instance[32];
- (id) initWithClassType:(id) classType at_fixpoint:(id) fixpoint;
+ (id) permutationWithClassType:(id) classType at_fixpoint:(id) fixpoint;
The code deals with fixpoints, an elaboration of which would quickly lead to areas of mathematics that you cannot follow anyway, so I'll omit it. You'll just have to face the fact that given that this class implements AdvancedScience, and given that it is named Permutation, it can do permutations on fixpoints. Ask your math prof for further hints.
#import "Permutation.h"
#import "Calculator.h"
@implementation Permutation
- (id) equal:(id) x {
return number[0x04] = [number[0x01] array:number[0x03] get:instance[0x00]+1], self;
- (id) dispatch:(id) x {
return instance[0x01] = [number[0x01] not:number[0x04]], self;
- (id) sin:(id) x {
return [number[0x01] push:number[0x05] x:number[0x04]], self;
- (id) array:(id) x get:(int) y {
return instance[(int) x] = y, x;
- (id) throw:(id) x {
return number[0] = x, self;
- (id) catch:(id) x {
return number[1] = x, x;
- (id) main:(id) x {
return instance[0x00] += instance[0x004], self;
- (id) divide:(id) x {
return number[0x04] = [number[0x01] array:number[0x06] get:instance[0x01]], self;
- (id) subtract:(id) x {
return [self main:[[self divide:self] sin:self]];
- (id) atan2:(id) x {
return number[0x05] = [number[0x01] array:number[0x02] get:instance[0x01]], self;
- (id) ignore:(id) x {
return instance[0x01] = [number[0x01] not:number[0x04]], x;
- (id) nop:(id) x {
return number[0x04] = [number[0x01] array:number[0x03] get:instance[0x00]], x;
- (id) add:(id) x {
return [self ignore:[[self atan2:self] equal:x]];
- (id) fseek:(id) x {
return [self subtract:[self add:[self dispatch:[self nop:x]]]], x;
+ (id) permutationWithClassType:(id) classType at_fixpoint:(id) p {
return [[Permutation alloc] initWithClassType:classType at_fixpoint:p];
- (id) not_equal:(id) x {
return number[0x06] = [number[0x01] array:number[0x00] get:instance[0x02]], self;
- (id) less_or_equal:(id) x {
return number[0x02] = [number[0x01] array:number[0x00] get:instance[0x03]], x;
- (id) less_nor_equal:(id) x {
return instance[instance[5]++] = 0, self;
- (id) sustain:(id) x {
return [self not:self]?[self sustain:[self fseek:x]] : nil;
- (id) greater_or_equal:(id) x {
return number[0x03] = [number[0x01] array:number[0x00] get:[number[0x01] not:x]], x;
- (int) not:(id) x {
return instance[0x00] < [number[0x03] count];
- (int) neg:(id) x {
return instance[instance[5]++]=18, instance[instance[5]++]=19, 2;
- (id) clear_stack:(id) x {
return number[0x03]=[number[0x01] array:number[0x00] get:[number[0x01] not:x]], self;
- (id) push:(id) z x:(id) y {
return [[self not_equal:z] less_or_equal:y];
- (id) repeat:(id) x {
return [self push_back:x without:self];
- (id) paper_jam:(id) x {
return [self clear_stack:[self greater_or_equal:[[self not_equal:x] less_or_equal:x]]], x;
- (id) push_back:(id) x without:(id) y {
return [self sustain:[y paper_jam:x]];
- (id) initWithClassType:(id) classType at_fixpoint:(id) fixpoint {
if( self = [super init] ) {
[[self throw:fixpoint] catch:classType];
instance[5] = 0;
[[self less_nor_equal:self] less_nor_equal:self];
instance[instance[5]++] = [self neg:self];
return self;